Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Latest...

I have been working quite a bit since I came back from Alabama. Man, working outside of the home is harder in a sense but easier in another. I guess the whole "sticking to a schedule" thing is hard for me in my day to day life but much easier for me when I'm getting paid for it. I am extremely neat, organized, and can keep a chipper appearance at work but pretty much none of that at home. Now, if I could just figure out a way of getting paid at home.

I work at health screenings checking blood pressures, cholesterol, body fat/BMI, and other fun stuff. It is interesting to see what kind of shape an average American is in. Most people are doing well with their blood pressure, but not so well in pretty much every other area. We live a very sedentary life style. It is such a contrast to my relatives in Japan. I remember visiting my family a few years ago and riding down one of those huge alpine slides with my aunt who was then in her mid 50s. She laughed so hard and had a lot of fun with me. We would hike up this huge mountain, ride down the slide and do it over and over again. Japanese women view this time in their lives as a bit of a second youth/childhood except this time around, they have money, time and no kids at home. They take care of their bodies, eat healthily, and try their best to look great, too.

I'm working on the whole early to bed early to rise bit this week and next. Most of my jobs begin around 5-7am and I usually travel one or more hours to get to the event site. I like the early mornings. My house is quiet and I don't have to beat any morning traffic. I've been going to bed right after I put Maya to bed lately. Does this mean I'm getting old? Next thing you know I will be eating the early bird special dinner at 4pm with all the other old people.


Kim said...

Eric and I are old, too. Most nights we force ourselves to stay away until 10 so we can trick ourselves into thinking we're NOT THAT old. But there comes a night every now and then when we retire immediately after putting KB to bed. Just can't stay awake.

Deena said...

I hate getting up early in the morning. blech.

Mamapierce said...

When I can manage it (read: make it a priority) getting up early in the morning is wonderful. I find that I can accomplish much more than if I stay up late trying to do the same. Kudos to you in your new job! I'm also a neat freak. Lucky us?

ME! said...

Getting up early is hard, but it does seem that you accomplish more. Good for you though!!!! I have been on a day shift (sleeping at night) schedule since mid-may and I love it, so does my husband.