Monday, December 17, 2007

Sugar Hangover

I don't feel so good. Yesterday was a yucky, icy, snowy day. We stayed inside all day and made it a nice family day. I suggested to Jeff that I wanted to make cookies. He put in a request for sugar cookies with frosting. I like cookies but not super sweet cookies. We made a batch of sugar cookies and I got a recipe for frosting that called for 4 cups of confectioner's sugar. I ate a few cookies and think I may have OD'ed on sugar. I have a headache and feel lethargic. Maybe I can rinse out my system with a lot of water. Don't you just love the holidays?


Mamapierce said...

Sugar cookies are my favorite Christmas treat, but there's a reason that sugar is in the name of them!

Water & citrus are great to combat the effects of sugar overdose!

ME! said...

4 cups of confectioners sugar?? WOW!!!!!! That is a serious cookie. Is that a picture of the cookie you made? They are pretty? I am impressed. Lots a water and B12

Kim said...

They look delicious. I am a limited cookie person, too, and sugar cookies would not be my first choice. But if there's sugar in the house, I'm liable to eat it -- first choice or not.

Tom and Jane Schell said...

Sugar cookies aren't hard for me to pass up...but there are loads of other things. Anything with chocolate...I made a chocolate cake the other night...MMMMM! Then my friends here have brought biscotti, jam thumbprint cookies, chocolate mint cookies...the list goes on, so I can totally relate to ODing on sugar. The problem is...I keep wanting more. Merry Christmas!