I was beginning to feel like my brain was turning to mush because I watch children's videos and communicate with a two year old all day. Today I went back to work, kind of. I worked at an employee health fair doing body fat composition and BMIs for people. I subcontracted with a health and wellness company. It is a part-time gig that pays well, so I thought 'what the hey' and told them I would work for them. This is the first time in years that I was working with people and not cardiac cells. It was nice not to be at a lab bench or behind a microscope, but rather telling people that they have a high amount of body fat because they sit at a desk all day.
I enjoyed the people I worked with. I needed that adult interaction. I could talk about politics, science, and stuff like that... but I really ended up talking about Maya and Reili and how I'm trying to lose baby weight. Nonetheless, I felt smart again.
Tomorrow Jeff is going to have arthroscopic surgery on his knee. Please keep him in your prayers. He will have cadaver ligaments used to replace his. I hope the cadaver was a fit young person.
I promise to write more amusing posts after tomorrow. More to come...
Good luck and prayers to Jeff. I started my new job today also, I was getting mushy being a housewife. How boring! I am excited for you. I love the new pictures!
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